Archive for March, 2011|Monthly archive page

Meet Amanda Hocking

From Novelr, the story of an indie novelist, self-publishing ebooks via Amazon. She’s never been ‘in print’ but is selling a mint:

Amanda Hocking is 26 years old. She has 9 self-published books to her name, and sells 100,000+ copies of those ebooks per month. She has never been traditionally published.

A convincing read and  obviously a viable proposition for some…

(via Daring Fireball)

HarperCollins says that p-books and e-books are the same…

They’ve tried it with prices and now, from The Guardian, here’s another feeble attempt to convince us that ebooks should be treated exactly the same way as print:

HarperCollins has got wise to this: it has announced that US libraries will be allowed to lend ebooks only up to 26 times. Its sales president, Josh Marwell, believes that’s only fair: 26, he claims, is the average number of loans a print book would survive before having to be replaced.

Yes, I think they’re serious…