Archive for September, 2012|Monthly archive page

Margaret Atwood interviewed

Cool interview with Margaret Atwood in Pandodaily. Sample:

We tend to be “Golden Age” about everything. We imagine a past about things being better, but we’ve forgotten a lot of stuff. Out of the Gutenberg printing presses poured lots of pornography, which we decided to forget. The classics are just the part of the iceberg that is still visible.

The point is when you make things more accessible and visible as they are on the Web, it doesn’t make things a lot worse. It’s just all in front of you, and you can see it.

Another one

The eBook to pBook pathway continues. The Bookseller writes of another successful self-published ebook author being taken on by a major – this time, Penguin:

Razorbill, the teenage imprint of Penguin Children’s, has done the first English language publishing deal with self-published author Tammara Webber…

Webber has been self-publishing her books – college romances aimed at a crossover readership, a genre which has now been named “New Adult” – since 2011, hitting the New York Times e-book bestseller list with Easy, which has sold more than 150,000 copies according to Razorbill.